Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Kindness Costs Nothing

Thanks to the kindness of people, It's been a good week here at MMIH HQ.

I've had so much help, love and support recently that I wanted to write some thing  to let people know that it hasn't gone un-notice. I'm a massive believer in karma. Business karma, life karma, love karma. You get what you deserve. Put out in to the world what you want to receive etc etc. Never underestimate the power of a thank you, a "would you like help", a hug. To you they may seem insignificant but to that person, who may be going through their own hell, it could mean the world. 

People, however strong they think they are, need support sometimes. A cheerful hug I received last week meant so much more. It was just a normal friendly hug but to me it was just what I needed at that time. It made me feel safe. Safe is not a place I visit often. I paid that hug forward to my mum the following day. 

I've been on twitter for a few years now, I jump from account to account creating tweets, building brands and playing my alter egos. From the MMIH account, to my DJ account, client accounts... I become a difference person. I'm what the account needs me to be. AND I LOVE IT! 
I slipped up recently, I forgot that everyone hadn't been on twitter for as long as me, they didn't have the large interaction circle, they didn't know the ropes. So when someone said "twitter is sh*t, I don't know why you bother" not only was I shocked, I didn't get it! Then I remembered my first months on twitter. It can be a scary place. 
"Will they mind if I follow them?" "Will they mind if I interrupt the conversation" "who should I follow?" 

The truth is, we're brought up to behave, be quiet, don't interrupt conversations, speak when you're spoken to. Twitter throws all those rules out of the window. You need to be assertive, confident and get your point across. SEND THE PIC OF THE HAMSTER DEEP THROATING A BANANA - Do it, be brave. 

The more you use twitter, the better the experience. Yeah, you'll come across some serious neg heads but that's what is so great about the 'block' button. As a whole, twitter is a great platform for personal and business growth. 

Well I'm keeping it short but sweet this time around... I'm not even sure how I got from kindness to twitter to a deep throating hamster. 

Do something selfless this week... Be there for someone, even if they don't ask you to be.

Until next time.
Much Love
Miss Make It Happen
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Thursday, 2 June 2016

Opportunity knocks.

Knock Knock!

We all know that opportunity usually comes with change. If what you have been offered isn't new then what's the point in trying it? You might as well stick at what you're already doing if you're not going to change something with the new opportunity.

Recently I've made some choices that led to changes in my life. At the time they felt risky and I wasn't sure I wanted to disrupt the status quo but so far it's turned ok.

As I've mentioned before, I attended BradCamp Be A Better Speaker, earlier this year on the hope of improving my speaking skills and one day headlining at The Business Show. Truth is, I realised that when I attended BradCamp that I didn't actually want to be a speaker after all. But I did want people to know what I had to say. One of the ideas that I got from BradCamp was to start a podcast. I wasn't sure where to start or what I was doing but I knew I'd figure it out. I always do.

3 months on, I have a podcast that I am proud of, am honoured to interview some of the great minds of the SME world and I love what i'm doing. I'm also in talks with several companies to produce their podcasts. A small idea at a development day has given me the opportunity to not only get my voice out there but to also increase my client base. I'm glad I took that opportunity.

Believe me when I say I know how scary opportunities are and how change is a tough cookie to digest but sometimes the only reason we don't take up an opportunity is because of self doubt.  We think  don't deserve what we're being offered or we're not talented enough. Truth is, if you're being offered the opportunity it's because someone else has seen your potential. Someone else has seen how hard you've worked. Some one else thinks that you're the right person for the job.

Weigh up the pros and cons and give it a go. You cannot grow if you refuse to change. Look at the caterpillar and the butterfly. If the caterpillar didn't make the change, he'd never have grown wings and been able to fly .

Release your inner butterfly. The door of opportunity looks exactly like the door to failure. You need to open them to find out which is which. or you could just stay locked in the same room.

Until next time.
Much Love
Miss Make It Happen
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