Supplier to Customer.
Customer to Supplier.
We'll start with what everyone thinks of first when you mention Customer Service. How the business treats its customers - before, during and after a sale.
I'm a big believer of the 'long game' when it comes to business. I like to get to know people, who they are and what their needs are. This helps to create a relationship that not only makes things easier throughout the "business transaction" but also if there is a problem. If you have a relationship with someone then they are likely to see you as a human and any problems can be sorted peacefully and without stress to anyone.
If the business does create a problem for it's customer they should always apologise. This should be the first thing. Even if the customer doesn't expect it. A "sorry" can help a thousand sins. Some times problems arise where the company doesn't have control of whats happened (They sent your product and it never arrived for example). Keeping calm is key. Offer solutions and make sure that you sound like you care FFS! There is nothing that is going to tip an unhappy customer over the edge like an 'I couldn't give a hoot, i've done my part' attitude.
The flip side - How the customer treats it's supplier.
Now i'm a big believer that the customer is NOT always right. Those that have the belief that because they pay for something they are automatically right, are dicks. There, i said it. Because you pay for something doesn't give you the automatic right to treat a business or person with lack of respect. If one of my clients were to treat me like I see retail staff, for example, being treated, I would toe punt them in the fart box.
Shit happens and i'll do my best to help you but you WILL respect me. As I will respect the fact that you may have been inconvenienced and need help. But "Customer is always right" is like leaving your life savings with your toddler. You wouldn't do it. It's old school and it's shit.
A company I bought from recently had PERFECT customer service. I went on their site to buy myself some much needed make up. (The 30,000 make up items I already have are not enough!). Because they were experiencing a busy period they had changed their website to say "we're sorry but all deliveries have been delayed... orders may take up to 2 weeks to reach you". No big deal. I placed my order and went on about my day.
A week later, I received my package of make up goodies. A WEEK earlier than expected. I opened the unusually large package to find a note saying "We're sorry we took so long, please find included in your order some freebies". MAKE UP FREEBIES!!!!! And not those tiny little trial things you get but FULL size, beautiful eyeshadow kits! This was better than xmas. So Thank you, You showed us how customer service should be done.
For those that don't know - TAMs products are amazing. (and can be a 10th of the price of some of the big boys. *mentions no names...*)
Next time you come across a problem during a transaction, remember that both parties can be stressed by this situation. Show compassion, show kindness, offer solutions and be flexible. Customer Service is a two way street.
Until next time.
Much Love
Miss Make It Happen
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