Thursday, 11 December 2014

Don't stop learning. Mental fitness is just as important as physical.

I'm all for learning something new. I love learning about new topics, I watch the news to see whats happening and I love to tinker with things, to find out how they work. I would love to learn a new language but I just don't seem to have the cognitive ability. But I can re-wire the house and build a wall, thanks to an electrical engineering apprenticeship at Fords and my Grandad. 

I had a trip to Wales planned a while ago, so imagine my excitement when my friend emailed me to say that we have tickets to The Hay Festival! Hay Festival is a festival of Literature and the Arts. It welcomes all ages and learning abilities and is a a wonderful place to be and learn new things. My friend, as a surprise, had booked us in to see a number of talks including; Literature, Business, Science and Media

I left the festival with an aching body and a mind full of new information, questions and ideas. I recommend you google it and try and get to the next festival in 2015.

I'm not one for new years resolutions. If I want to change something, I'll do it now not wait to the beginning of the next year. I've been having a think about my strengths recently and i've decided that even though i'm very good at a number of things, I can still improve. So, i've undertaken a few new refresher courses to help in my personal life and work. I've also decided that after my holiday in January, I will be learning to code. This will, I hope, be fun for me, will help me with projects and will also benefit my clients. Learning new things makes me happy and because the learning carries me in to the future, I look forward to that too.

I challenge you to learn something new this week.

Until next time,

Keep smiling

Miss Make It Happen

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