Wednesday, 19 August 2015

It never rains, It Pours.

Life is hard.

You'll be plodding along one minute and the next thing you know 3 family/friends have died, you get bitten by a spider, and you're forced to go to the gym, you lose your only pair of contact lenses and the hospital want to 'Keep an eye on that'.  Oh! and I have no kitchen or bathroom due to building works at my house. Its been a busy fortnight.

All in all, i'm a pretty positive and strong person. I try not to get bothered by much and I'm great at keeping a cool head in stressful situations. This last fortnight has been different. I'd had enough, given up and wanted to be left alone.

Over the last couple of weeks i've realised a few things -
1) I'm not as hard as I make out
2) I value company just as much as I value alone time
3) Crying helps
4) No one lives forever
5) It's ok to take time out when you need it.

When all of the above happened in quick succession it was hard to cope. what do I focus on? How can I be positive and sad? What's the point?
I'll be lying if I said I took it on the chin and carried on. Half the time I did, The other half I hid under a blanket on the sofa and watched Disney movies or some random tear -jerker.

The point to this rambling pity party for one is -

Life will throw you curve balls. Stand strong, focus and hit that M*ther F*cker out of the park.
Just do it when you're ready.

I'm lucky to have a second to none support network, the ones that knew what was going on were amazing. They left me alone but dropped in from time to time with a little wave, a story, a random picture of their dinner or just a nudge. (Thank you Guys and Girls - You know who you are xx)

So, if life is throwing you multiple curve balls at the minute and you think you can't cope, Just give yourself a break, hide behind a blanket and come back fighting when you are ready.

You've got this - YOU CAN DO IT.

Much Love
Miss Make It Happen.


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