Wednesday, 20 April 2016

It's a write off.

Did you know that we're all human?
You, me, everyone!

I know we're meant to be strong, not show weakness, never be ill and god forbid if any of us actually moan about it but i'm fed up with it.

Over the last couple of weeks, myself and a fair few self employed people have been ill one way or another. There has been silent suffering, hospital visits, secret comfort sessions and of course - soldiering on.

So many people feel that they need to suffer in silence because they think people will not take them seriously if they show a sign of weakness. This is where we need to stop seeing business owners as machines and start treating them like people. We're all going to have off days, days that we want to curl up and hide. That's perfectly normal.

If you're going through a hard patch at the minute, don't be afraid to share the stress with someone. You're human and are entitled to have off days. Keeping it bottled up, feeling ashamed etc etc etc isn't going to do anyone any good.
Last Friday, it was decided that although the week had been somewhat productive work wise, we were going to write it off on a health level. Sometimes you really do just need to say "F*ck it and Forget it".

So remember, up until the point they actually turn you in to a Robo-cop type person, you're allowed to take a break and have a moan.

Nikki Butlin,, has just written a great blog about 'Taking Time Out'. It kind of goes hand in hand with this one. Check it out and let us know what you think.

Until Next Time,
Keep smiling, It's going to be ok.
Miss Make It Happen

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