Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Do you need to be liked?

It recently come to my attention that I no longer care if people like me. 

There was a time where I'd walk in to a room of people and I felt I needed every one to be my "friend". I was shy and charming in the hope that people would talk to me. I needed to feel accepted. A lot has changed in the last year and now, I couldn't give two hoots if 1 person likes me. 

So what's caused this dramatic change? Me, my self confidence and realising that other people don't define who I am or how I should behave. This change has improved my life to such an extent that I'm now a lot happier. 

No one should feel like they need to fit in. The world is made up of very different people, no two are the same so why should we hide our true identity? We should celebrate our differences.

Growing up I was a shining light. I was the girl with multi-coloured hair, had an opinion on everything and I pushed the limits of society. I had top grades, I was an ambassador of my school and I was part of every sport team going. I had enough friends to start an army and I was happy. Then work and ex boyfriends sucked the life out of me. I was turning in to a "yes girl" and a "wife". I needed to please people. I didn't want to upset anyone. I dressed how I was told, acted like a good little girl and had no opinions. My bosses controlled me, my partners controlled me and I let it happen. 

Fast forward to 2011 and I bought a book. "Get Off Your Arse". It ignited a spark inside me. Something that I hadn't felt in a long long time. The real me was poking her head out again. I loved this feeling, people around me didn't. I ended up turning my life upside down, giving it a good shake and disposing of all the pieces. This included a 6 year relationship. Over the next 2 years I started to find myself and rebuild things. Do you know what happened? After I'd got the negativity, nervous break down and self pity out the way, I blossomed. I lost 3 stone, dyed my hair bright pink / red, started a second company, whilst helping and inspiring others to do the same. 

As Brendan Johnson, of Authentic Spirit ( said "My AWESOMNESS is not dependent on anyone else's approval or permission. You can catch him on twitter @Rev_BJohnson for more words of wisdom and beardy pictures. He's a legend. 

The moral of this story is - you can only do your best and be the best if you are true to who you are. You are unique so start acting like it. At any given time you are the perfect version of who you are meant to be at that time.... If you are true to yourself. 

Now I'm not telling you all to leave your partners, turn your worlds upside and start partying every weekend. All I'm saying is, you get one chance at this life, spend it being you. The YOU that YOU want to be. If you want to dye your hair green, do it. If you want to wear speedos on the beach, do it. If you want to laugh at inappropriate times, do it. Make yourself happy. The people who matter don't care, The people who care don't matter. 

When you start accepting who the real you is, so will everyone else. If they don't then they don't need to be in your life. BE BRAVE, BE YOU.

Until next time... Keep smiling, you're perfect. 

Miss Make It Happen

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