That's ok. We all do it. And do you know what, I actively encourage my clients to partake in a "F*ck It" Day. A day every now and then that revolves around them and that makes them happy. No work, no tasks, no people. Just them, in their PJs, doing nothing.
As business owners or just people in general we have this weird obsession with keeping busy. We have to be going something or we're seen as lazy. If you were to ask people how many days i worked a week they'd probably tell you about 2. It's probably true too. I'd much rather go out and spend the day with my friends and family. That doesn't mean i'm work shy. I usually do most of my work in the evenings and middle of the night. Chances are I probably work more than the average person when you break down the hours, I just do my work when no one is looking.
The problem with "keeping busy" is we usually try to look busy but we aren't getting stuff done. So last year I started having weekly or monthly catch ups with people. These online get togethers helped boost my productivity, and i've been told the productivity of those involved. There is nothing quite as terrifying as when your peers ask you how projectX is getting on when you've been "busy" on social media all week.
I started to realise that, although i'm good at what I do, I can sometimes wander off and get distracted from my goals. Again, perfectly normal but not always useful when you're planning world domination. So plans were made, research was undertaken and I finally found a formula to help both myself and other people stay on track and productive. It's as simple as being accountable to someone.
Why not find an accountability buddy or *cough* hit me up at for information on my OMG! Accountability course. Yeah yeah, I know. #BuyMyStuff. My blog, my rules ;)
Until Next Time,
Keep smiling, It's going to be ok.
Miss Make It Happen
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