Put the UK in
Pull the UK out
in, out, in, out
Shake it all about.
If you haven't heard about the EU Referendum coming up on the 23rd June 2016 then you're probably a tortoise and are just coming out of hibernation in your shoe box under the stairs. For the rest of us, it's world wide news.
The British public have been given the chance to decide for themselves if they think we should stay in the EU or not. Everyone can and will be effected by either decisions but we need to decide and time is running out. No more sitting on the fence bull sh*t. We're about to make the biggest decision we've had to make in a very long time. I can't see us getting another shot at this kind of opt out any time soon.
I've made no secret of my decision to vote OUT. Yes, I know it'll be hard, yes there will be consequences for a while, but doesn't any change come with disruption? We need to look at the big long term picture and we need to vote for what we feel comfortable with.
Every one seems to have an opinion. On the off chance Barak Obama is reading this - You sir, can kiss my arse. If you think our great country will roll over because of you, you are sadly mistaken.
For those of you who are confused about what is going on, here are some, what I think are, impartial facts about The UK and The EU.
"- The UK joined the European Union in 1973 - Back then, it was known as the Common Market. But over the past 43 years, the EU has taken control over more and more areas which don't have anything to do with trade - such as our borders, our public services, and whether prisoner shave the right to vote
- When we (TheUK) joined, there were just 9 member states - Now there are 28, the most recent being Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia. Five more countries are being considered for membership: Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey. If they are let in, they will have the same rights as other member states.
- More than half of net migration to the UK comes from the EU. More than a quarter of a million people come to the UK from the EU in the 12 months to September 2015- the equivalent of a city the size of Plymouth or Newcastle in just one year.
- While we're in the EU. the UK can't make trade deals on our own. This means we currently have no trade deals with key allies such as Australia, New Zealand or the USA - or important growing economies like India, China or Brazil. Instead of making a deal which is best for the Uk we have to wait or 27 other countries to agree to it!
- The EU costs us £350 million a week. That's enough to build a new NHS hospital every week of the year. We get less than half of this money back, and we have no control over the way it's spent - That's decided by politicians and officials in Brussels, rather than the people we elect here.
- You don't need to be a member of the EU to trade with it. Switzerland is not in the EU and it exports more per person to the EU than we do. The big banks and multinationals might be lobbying to keep us in, but small and medium businesses feel differently. Only 6% of UK firms export to the EU, yet all have to abide by EU regulations on their business.
- EU law overrules UK law. This stops the British public from being able to vote out the politicians who make our laws. EU judges have already overruled British laws on issues like counter-terrorism powers, immigration, VAT, and prisoner voting. Even the Government's proposed new deal can be overturned after the referendum: It is not legally binding.
- There are risks with voting either way. Experts, politicians, and businesses are divided. People have to weigh up the risks and potential benefits of each course of action for themselves. "*
Whatever you decide to do, make sure you do it for the right reasons but more importantly - make sure you do actually vote!
Until Next Time,
Keep smiling, It's going to be ok.
Miss Make It Happen
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*Facts obtained from www.eureferendumfacts.org leaflet - you can get further information from the site or by texting FACTS to 88802 (Standards charges apply)
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