Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Enough is enough

Everyone has a tipping point.

You know the point where you snap, can't take a situation anymore and you say 


You don't need to feel bad about giving up on someone or something. If I'm honest, it's probably kinder if you do. Let the person fend for themselves without you picking up the pieces.

Don't get me wrong, if your friend or family member is stuck in a series of unfortunate events then yes, of course you're going to be there for them for however long it takes. I'm talking about the neg heads who refuse to walk away from a bad situation, or keep going back to a situation that is wrong. 


It doesn't matter how hard you want them to change they're not going to. They constantly let you down and they can swear until they are blue in the face that they won't do it again but you know deep down that it's only a matter of time. 

By protecting them and picking up the pieces you can be doing more harm then good. Believe me, I'm talking from first hand experience. I don't just mean harming them. Your actions of protecting them can also lead to your relationships breaking down. Well meaning friends and family will tell you to walk away yet every time you stay to pick up more pieces, people start to wash their hands of you. You then become the problem. 

It's ok to walk away from people and situations. It doesn't mean you're a bad person. It means you tried and now you understand that some people are beyond any normal help. It'll be hard but your life will be a lot happier. 

So yes, I'm giving you permission to let go. 

Right now you're probably thinking 'who the hell does she think she is' but you'll thank me later. 

This life is YOURS. It's time to live it for YOU, not anybody else. 

Until next time, keep smiling.

Miss Make It Happen

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