Tuesday, 16 September 2014

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT - I'm going to call my baby.... Cucumber.

With the recent news that Katie 'Jordan' Price took 6 weeks to name her baby and then come to a final decision it should be called .... Bunny.... I'm left in a state of sympathy (for the child) and anger (towards the mother)

Someone I know had a baby and unfortunatly during the pregnancy the father died. In honour of the father the mother wanted the daughters middle name to be simply one letter. The inital of the fathers first name. This was not allowed. YET we can just pick a random animal and that is an acceptable name for our child.

As a woman, of a certain age, I was a big fan of the Friends sitcom. and i can't lie, after the Princess Consuela Banana Hammock episode, we all thought about changing our name to that..or crap bag, Just for a laugh. But to actually name a poor defenceless child BUNNY... well that just takes the absolute piss.

What actually goes through parents minds when naming their children these stupid names!? Any of you that know me properly will know i'm happy doing my own weird thing with weirder people. I'm not one to follow the rules but this is not one of those areas that I would mess with. Although, after typing the title to this blog, I hope that one day, I meet someone called Cucumber. It just wont be my own child....

Much Love,

Miss Make It Happen


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