Monday, 23 November 2015

Just believe in yourself a little more.

"It makes me sad that some people don't see how truly great they are and how they've made so many people happy by what they do." - a recent Facebook status i wrote on my private page. 

I'd spent the day with a truly remarkable gentleman. Someone who for years, along with other family members, had followed his work and was honoured enough to meet many years later. I'm now lucky enough to call him a friend, someone I trust and someone I like having in my life.

After a couple of hours of telling each other we don't push ourselves to our full potential it dawned on me that this person, someone who I admired before I even met, someone who is known to many people, who has given and sacrificed - has the same problem as me! From my side of the fence, if he agrees or not i'm not sure, we are both a little lost. 

Now, we know where we need to get to, or where we'd like to be. We know we have the strength to do it. We have the profile / platforms / contacts to help us. There is just something we're missing or we've lost sight of. We're going on the hunt. 

I think this applies to a lot of people in general. We might be scared of success, of failure, of trying or some other excuse but our main obstacles we put in our own way are made by us. It's easy for us to build an obstacle on our own, as humans we're great at that but I can tell you now, you're going to need back up to help pull those obstacles down. 

My suggestion - build a team. people who you can really trust, people who know and understand you and all your strengths, weaknesses and quirks. Go out with a, metaphorically speaking, sledge hammer and go smash your way to success.

My friend and I are doing that next year. The rest of 2015 will be used to plot, plan and scheme. We're going to help push and make each other accountable. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens, even if it does involve getting a size 9 boot up my arse. 

Until Next Time
Be You
Miss Make It Happen

Come say Hi on Facebook & The Twitterz


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