Monday, 30 November 2015


I was recently let out on my own.

Not just to the shops or out for a walk but to a full 2 days at a show. Running stands and helping with events is part of what I do for a living so all should have been ok. Unfortunately, I seemed to be more organised then was actually needed.

I turned up to the event early. 24 hours early. I called my friend/client who I was working for. yep - 24 hours early. F*CK

 I knew that to any normal person this wouldn't be much of a problem but i'm a professional - This shouldn't have happened. I should know the days of the week, I'm 31 for heavens sake. Rather than try and hide my shame of messing up, I took to social media.

I let the world know what i'd done wrong. It was a release and I didn't feel so stupid. People I know had a few fun digs but overall, no one else cared.

It just goes to show that even though you might think you've made a big mistake, others may not feel the same. Give yourself a break and laugh at your mix ups - no one died and You probably didn't just press the red button and destroy half of mankind.

Live and learn. It's the best way to be.

Until next time
Look after yourself
Miss Make It Happen

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Monday, 23 November 2015

Just believe in yourself a little more.

"It makes me sad that some people don't see how truly great they are and how they've made so many people happy by what they do." - a recent Facebook status i wrote on my private page. 

I'd spent the day with a truly remarkable gentleman. Someone who for years, along with other family members, had followed his work and was honoured enough to meet many years later. I'm now lucky enough to call him a friend, someone I trust and someone I like having in my life.

After a couple of hours of telling each other we don't push ourselves to our full potential it dawned on me that this person, someone who I admired before I even met, someone who is known to many people, who has given and sacrificed - has the same problem as me! From my side of the fence, if he agrees or not i'm not sure, we are both a little lost. 

Now, we know where we need to get to, or where we'd like to be. We know we have the strength to do it. We have the profile / platforms / contacts to help us. There is just something we're missing or we've lost sight of. We're going on the hunt. 

I think this applies to a lot of people in general. We might be scared of success, of failure, of trying or some other excuse but our main obstacles we put in our own way are made by us. It's easy for us to build an obstacle on our own, as humans we're great at that but I can tell you now, you're going to need back up to help pull those obstacles down. 

My suggestion - build a team. people who you can really trust, people who know and understand you and all your strengths, weaknesses and quirks. Go out with a, metaphorically speaking, sledge hammer and go smash your way to success.

My friend and I are doing that next year. The rest of 2015 will be used to plot, plan and scheme. We're going to help push and make each other accountable. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens, even if it does involve getting a size 9 boot up my arse. 

Until Next Time
Be You
Miss Make It Happen

Come say Hi on Facebook & The Twitterz


Wednesday, 18 November 2015

I'm off to Mars!

By now half of the world, if not more, probably knows about the ISIS attacks over the last week in various countries across the planet. 

It is truly devastating when innocent people have to die because some people willed it to be. 

I know they had their reasons behind what they done, there will be people who agree with the deaths and a majority who do not. 

I've been thinking about it a lot over the last few days. Keeping track on what the media spoon feed us in to believing, watching videos from (apparently) ISIS themselves, watching Anonymous threaten to track down everyone involve and watch bombs fly east with messages of "from Paris, with love" scrawled on the side. 

I'm not highly educated in regards to the reasoning behind it all. I don't follow politics or religion to any agree where I can appropriately comment but what I do know is how this whole situation has made me feel. 

That's... Scared. 

I live 13 miles from the centre of London on the borders of East London and Essex. On the train today going in to London I was so nervous and all I could think about were the 7/7 bombings. 

When those bombings happened I worked in the recruitment industry. The night before I'd sent 100+ men start times to work in  London, unknowing what was about to unfold the next day. When news hit I cried, because I felt scared and guilty. All I done was my job just like any other day but if I hadn't made those calls those men would have been guaranteed safe. I spent countless hours tracking all of them down. Luckily all was fine. A few friends and acquaintances had been effected in a minor way but as a whole everyone got out ok. 

Those memories will live with me forever and now I hold on to the fear of history repeating itself. I'm scared of what ISIS potentially have planned next, I'm scared of what countries and organisations will do in retaliation and I'm scared of the consequences of what it will do to the human race as a whole. 

Anyone fancy leaving on a rocket ship and taking our chances on Mars? 

Peace out.
Look after yourself. 

Miss Make It Happen. 

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Do You Remember?

I’m “only” 31 years old so I can only go back so far but do you remember in the 80s and 90s when every shop, high street, pub and train station sold poppy's? 

November would rock around and you’d start to see the little boxes appear next to the shop tills, and The British Legion and Scouts would be out in force selling poppy’s on every high street and high foot traffic area. 

Fast forward 20 odd years and I’ve spent the last 2 weeks unsuccessfully looking for a poppy. Not one shop, station, pub i’ve been in has sold them! I had to spend Remembrance Sunday without my poppy. Thankfully, I found a scarf with poppy’s on so I did try to do my bit. A number of my friends have had similar problems so i know i’m not alone. 

I’ve been thinking about why this might be and have come up with various reasons for why poppy’s seem to have become an endangered species but I just can’t put my finger on the real reason. Has anyone else had similar problems? Do you know why I can’t find a poppy?

1 - We just don’t care any more
2 - my geographical location
3 - we’re scared of offending some one
4 - we’re forgotten why we buy those little pieces of red paper stuck to green and black plastic.

i’d hope that it wasn’t number 1 and 4 but I have a sneaky suspicion it might have some thing to do with number 2 and 3.

 I’m on my way to have lunch with a Veteran and I’m actually quite embarrassed that i’m turning up without my poppy. I know he’ll understand but its not the point. Maybe Euston station or the surrounding shops can be my saving grace? keep your fingers crossed for me.

Please let me know how easy / hard you’ve found getting your hands on a poppy. i’m quite interested to know.

*UPDATE* I managed to buy a paper and metal poppy from London Liverpool Street Station before my meeting. Winning

Until next time
Much love

Miss Make It Happen.  

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Self Employment, Holidays and body image. *panic panic panic*

I've been on holiday recently, my family got together to see my cousin (pictured below) get married. It was fab.

Whilst I was away I pretty much stepped away from work totally and spent some time concentrating on me. It's been about 14 years since i've been able to switch off properly. At first It was horrible. I kept eyeing my phone suspiciously, wondering what was going on back home.

After a couple of days I realised that if the world was coming to an end someone would pick up the phone and call me. I didn't need to worry about emails or social media, they would all be there when I got back.

As I started to relax, I realised that I looked at myself in the mirror more. Strange I know but its true. At first, It was glimpses of myself in a bikini. I didn't want to spend too much time looking, I am most definitely not beach body ready. The more i stepped away from work stresses and social media the more i stopped to look at myself. After a few days I was standing in front of the mirror having a good old nose. My views at first were critical of myself - big thighs, chubby belly, dark circles under eyes etc etc etc. Towards the end of the end of the holiday I was shocked to realise that I was now looking at myself through different eyes. Instead of focussing on my chubby belly, I saw a curvy hourglass waist. Instead of big thighs, I saw a curvy butt. And the subtle tan I now had was making me look healthier and less tired.

This got me thinking, do work stresses and social media really have an impact on the way we see ourselves? Do we judge ourselves more when we carry a weight on our shoulders? It's quite possibly true.

I've decided that as with immediate effect that i'll be taking a day off, at least, every week. no work, no emails, no social media and if i can blag it, no contact with people. 24 hours to learn to love myself, to read that book that's been on the shelf for the last 3 years, to eat what I want, take a nap and just be me. Do you dare to do the same?

Until Next Time
Look after yourselves
Much Love
Miss Make It Happen
